picture by Irwin Barbé, Mercantour, France 2018


2018-2022 • MA sound studies & sonic arts, Universität der Künste Berlin

2018-2019 • bioacoustics workshops with Felix Blume & Bernard Fort, Phonurgia Nova, Arles, France

2015-2018 • associate researcher & assistant curator, Habitat Unit, Technische Universität Berlin

2013-2015 • MSSc political science & urban planning, Sciences Po Paris

2012-2013 • exchange program School of Architecture, University of Washington Seattle

2010-2012 • BA political science & international relations, Sciences Po Paris

Diane Barbé (she/they)
dianediane (a) gmx.net

Diane Barbé explores the intersections of ecology and experimental music, working with field recording as much as with synthesis, flutes and acoustic instruments. Their work delves into the manifold practices of musicking, crafting acoustic instruments with salvaged materials, developing collective music workshops in various countries and deepening the search for sonorities that weave a sense of earthly belonging.

Their latest album (musiques tourbes, forms of minutiae, 2024) unravels a mixture of field recordings and additive analog synthesis, building together a swampy universe of little critters. Their previous album (The Avian Kin, First Terrace Records, 2023) features the Alien Kin, a growing ensemble of handmade whistles, flutes, clay vessels and sound makers, used to explore the playful spaces of interspecies communication, non-standardized tunings, and collective synchronisation.

Diane has created environmental music instruments, sound pieces and installations at Floating University Berlin, in the Spreewald biosphere, the Ste Marthe quarry in Marseille, and Global Forest in the Black Forest. They have performed solo in experimental music festivals and venues like INA-GRM Paris, Nachtdigital, Maerz Musik and documenta fifteen in Germany, ROTA festival in Spain, LOM Space in Slovakia, NOPA festival for sound art in Armenia. Diane collaborated with the dance company La Pieuvre to present a singular piece, Canicular, commissioned by SACD and presented at the Festival d’Avignon 2024.

Based in Berlin since 2015, Diane also teaches and organises workshops, and holds space for alternative music education, research and activism.


‘I Call, You Respond?: Game Calls, Hunting and Sound Mimicry in the Black Forest’, Pulse Journal, Vol. 9, 2022 (FASCINATING NOISE: SOUND IN ART AND SCIENCE). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10547158

Things don’t really exist until you give them a name: Unpacking urban heritage (2018)
Rachel Lee, Diane Barbé, Anne-Katrin Fenk & Philipp Misselwitz (eds). Mkuki na Nyota, Dar es Salaam.

Talking Cities: Urban Narratives from Dar es Salaam (2017)
Diane Barbé, Richard Besha, Anne-Katrin Fenk, Rachel Lee & Philipp Misselwitz (eds). Technische Universitätsverlag, Berlin.